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Do you know what the most important thing is when deploying your mine's wireless network? We do. 

The best wireless network for your mobile industrial environment is one that works. 

The truth is, the design principals that work for designing most wireless networks just don't cut it in industrial environments. Networks that are designed and deployed without understanding the unique challenges that industrial environments like mines, ports and industrial yards face are doomed to experience poor performance and high costs. 

We anticipate all the network challenges we can and stick around to help with the unexpected. 

We understand how much time and money rides on your operation's wireless network. We partner with you - long term - to help define and defeat your specific challenges to network performance. And, through developing a long term partnership, we ensure the network is scalable and ready for the application requirements that are around the corner. 

Put our wireless network expertise to work for you.

3D-P designs and deploys wireless networks exclusively for challenging industrial environments. With over 20 years of experience, we are uniquely qualified to help you reduce - or even eliminate - the number of network problems you will face moving forward. 
